Can women take Viagra: What effect would Viagra have on women

For a man with erectile dysfunction, Viagra tablets are the most popular drug. The question here is, can women take Viagra?

Effect of Viagra over Women

It is a well proven fact that for a man with erectile dysfunction Viagra works like a wonder. It gives him back his sexual days that he had lost and gives him the confidence psychologically to move ahead with life. But for women, it might not be as suitable. It is claimed by many women that Viagra increased sexual pleasure, but in clinical trials, it failed to prove that.

A study carried out in UCLA Female Sexual Medical Centre, Los Angles, showed that Viagra increases blood flow, and thus as blood flow increases in female genitalia, they get better sexual experience. But more studies didn’t reciprocate the same result. As no widespread experiment has taken place on Viagra, it is still unknown that Viagra really works with sexual activity of women as well as its side effects it can have on a female.

Fertility Treatment and Viagra

Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Nevada, researched that due to the thin lining of the uterus makes it difficult to implant egg, which causes infertility. It is hoped that Viagra can help in thickening of the uterus lining and can increase the chances of pregnancy. The trials are at initial stage, so researchers are still unsure of the end result, but the trails are looking promising.

Menstrual Pain Treatment and Viagra

Penn State College of Medicines believes that as Viagra has the capability of increasing blood flow in the body, it can be used as a treatment for menstrual problems such as period pain and cramps. Under the influence of Viagra, around 25 women showed in the research that they had less period pain. Though it is still not that the period pain was less due to placebo or Viagra treats period pain. Soon more trails will take place and it will become clear whether Viagra treats period pains or not.

Female Viagra: Does it work

If you go to Google and search for female Viagra, you will find tons of thousands of products sold under the name of female Viagra. They are all herbal products. In men, herbal products for erectile dysfunction so far has shown no effect. In women, though some researches show that there are some effects in women sexual activities, but if you ask a gynecologist or urologist, they would tell that the effect is from placebo.

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