How Does an Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program Work?

There are many advantages of outpatient programs for those suffering from substance abuse or addiction problem. If your lifestyle and responsibilities don’t allow you to enroll in an inpatient program, you can choose a Detox to Rehab facility that offers outpatient treatment. Find out what these programs offer and how they can benefit you.

What is an Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program?

Outpatient programs are different from their inpatient counterpart in that they allow you to return to your home after spending time at the facility. These programs include most of the services included in an inpatient program, such as:

  • Detoxification under medical supervision
  • Counseling from psychotherapists at a group or individual level
  • Mental health services based on the underlying causes of addiction

Outpatient Treatment Programs – Ideal Candidates

Both these types of programs are designed for treating different kinds of addiction problems. However, outpatient treatment is more suited for those who have lesser severity of addiction. Besides, if you have to stay at home or work, you should consider this form of treatment option.

Outpatient programs can provide treatments of different duration. For example, one program may require you to spend a few hours a week at the facility, but some programs may require you to spend an entire day at the center before returning to home.

Partial Hospitalization Treatment

Certain day treatment programs involve partial hospitalization. You will undergo detoxification and receive support for withdrawal symptoms and counseling at the facility. However, you can still return back to your home. Such programs require you to stay at the center for the day and receive treatment from the healthcare team comprising of doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists and you can return home in the evening.

So if you or someone in your family is in need of addiction treatment, you should consider these outpatient treatment options. They can provide comprehensive treatment, ranging from Detox to Rehab, without you having to commit fully to the facility.

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